The Paradox of Mindfulness

We’re delighted to feature this brief blog post by Singhashri Gazmuri, who is the Programme Director at Breathworks. Life these days can be hectic. We all know what it’s like to go from morning until night without even remembering what […]

dynamic meditation

Dynamic Meditation in London – My Experience

We’re delighted to feature a guest post about Dynamic Meditation written by Cara Amy, who has also joined us as an Agent of “Woo” to help spread positive vibes in this City we all love! Over to Cara.. My journey […]


How to Practice Mindfulness with Email in the Workplace

What would our life be like without email? Think about it. If you are old enough to remember, it was certainly different. One cannot fathom to think how much our lives have been transformed by the ability to mass-communicate, quickly […]

wellbeing tips

Our Top Christmas Well-Being Tips

Christmas is a great time to relax and enjoy seeing friends and family; yet sometimes it can end with over consumption, stress and exhaustion! Fear not – here are WooWoo’s top tips to bring a little well-being into your Christmas! […]

woo woo

Well-being practices and Sleep

We all know the benefits of a good nights sleep. Here at WooWoo we also believe that well-being practices and quality sleep go hand-in-hand in a virtuous cycle. The more regularly we look after ourselves, the better we sleep , […]


Bad experiences within the Well-being scene

There are a tremendous number of quality events and workshops in London that can help you thrive. Whether you are looking to increase creativity, reduce stress or to simply express yourself more freely – there is likely an event that […]


How can I incorporate Well-Being Practices into my busy life?

Balancing working life and well-being practices such as yoga or meditation can be a challenge, especially when faced with multiple other commitments and the career oriented nature of London life. However, finding a balance between your practice and your work […]

meditation woo woo

Meditation – 3 benefits for you at work

You have probably heard about the benefits of a regular meditation practice for your career or business. If it’s so undoubtedly good for us then why are we all not doing some rendition of this woman during our lunch breaks? […]

5 of the Best Meditation classes in London

Meditation? People sitting cross-legged for hours pretending their legs don’t hurt, with nothing better to do? Well, that’s what it might look like from the outside but meditation is simply the relaxing practice of observing our thoughts yet not identifying with […]